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For the Springs Virtual Speaker & Performance Series

  • Thursday, August 20, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to overwhelming response, we have reached the capacity of our registration limit.  If you are not able to join the live presentation, you may view the recorded version which will be posted afterward on the website.

Speak For the Springs:  Jim Stevenson presents "Journey of the Water"

Join us for the first in our "For the Springs" Virtual Speaker and Performance Series.  Jim will guide us along on a fascinating journey following the water as it flows south from Tallahassee through one of the longest and deepest cave systems in the world to Wakulla Springs.

Area growth, nitrites from fertilizer, and septic tanks along the route to the springs, impacts the health of the Springs.  Jim will show us what happens upland and upstream of the main spring affects its health and our drinking water - and what we can do.  Listen as he entertains us with some colorful anecdotes and historical facts as he talks about this amazing treasure beneath our feet!

Jim Stevenson is well known in environmental circles for his tireless and widespread work on Florida springs protection.  He was the chief naturalist of Florida’s state parks for 20 years, the former coordinator of the Wakulla Springs Basin Working Group, and former chairman of the Florida Springs Task Force.  He serves on the boards of the Wakulla Springs Alliance and the Florida Springs Institute. 

Until the pandemic, Jim has regularly led his monthly “Saving Wakulla Springs” Overland Tour through the picturesque Wakulla Springs Basin, captivating and educating local citizens, out of town visitors, school children, conservation groups and other organizations, government officials and political candidates.

Enjoy a small sample with this virtual presentation - and then plan to attend one of his future live tours!

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Conserving the world's largest and deepest freshwater spring

© The Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park • 465 Wakulla Park Drive • Wakulla Springs, FL 32327

Phone: (850) 561–7286 • Email: friends@wakullasprings.org

 A 501(c)3 organization  whose mission is to conserve, protect, restore and enhance the natural, historical, cultural and recreational resources of Wakulla Springs State Park for present and future generations.

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