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Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park is a non-profit citizens support organization started in 1995. The organization dedicates itself to supporting the stewardship of natural and cultural resources through various means. We welcome new members at any time. Each year the Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park also seeks out those businesses and organizations, both for profit and non-profit, that would like to join us as Business Partners.

Business partners are willing to offer their support through either cash donations or “in-kind” services such as advertising, printing, price discounts on purchases and more.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Executive Board
Julie Harrington, President

Barbara Whiddon, Vice President
Renee Murray, Secretary

Julie Harrington, Treasurer

Ken Beattie
Sue Damon
Cal Jamison
Laurel Keys
Barbara Whiddon
Ming Ye

Two-year final slate of Board of Directors (CLICK HERE)

Emeritus Advisory Board

The Emeritus Advisory Committee supports the current Board of Directors by providing expertise and advice. The committee is comprised of non-voting members in good standing with longstanding ties to the organization, valuable ideas, insights, skills or knowledge, and serve to preserve and pass down the institutional memory that they possess.

  Jack Leppert
  Madeleine Carr
  Sandy Cook
  George Apthorp
  Audrine Finnerty

Our Mission is to conserve, protect, restore and enhance the natural, historical, cultural and recreational resources of Wakulla Springs State Park for present and future generations.

Alternate Multi-Use Trail Route Study

Prepared for The Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park, by HALFF
Mark T. Llewellyn Sr., PE - mllewellynsr@halff.com
Joseph C. Petrich, PLA - jpetrich@halff.com

PROJECT PURPOSE, GOALS AND OBJECTIVE The purpose of this analysis is to conduct a review of existing and future regional multi-use trail systems, evaluate the existing trails and pathways within the core area of the Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park (the Park) and review potential alternatives for a primary accessway for visitors traveling on bicycles to enter the park.

The goal is to determine the most practical and scenic options for routing and alignment with the least amount of impacts to the existing man-made elements and the natural landscape setting. The primary objective is to provide a safe, well defined route for cyclists to enter the park, minimize conflicts with automobile traffic to the greatest extent practical, and to maintain access through the existing Ranger Station.

Download the PDF document (CLICK HERE)

Bylaws & Code of Ethics

The Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park, Inc. is the Citizen Support Organization (CSO) for Wakulla Springs State Unit. Since its inception in 1995, the Friends group has tirelessly fought to protect and preserve the springs and the historical lands surrounding them.

Click  here to download the Friends of Wakulla Springs Bylaws. Click here to download the CSO Adopted Code of Ethics.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free 800-435-7352 within Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.  Tax ID #: EIN 59-3375905

Conserving the world's largest and deepest freshwater spring

© The Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park • 465 Wakulla Park Drive • Wakulla Springs, FL 32327

Phone: (850) 561–7286 • Email: friends@wakullasprings.org

 A 501(c)3 organization  whose mission is to conserve, protect, restore and enhance the natural, historical, cultural and recreational resources of Wakulla Springs State Park for present and future generations.

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